Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Mid-summer night romance

Mid-summer night romance
Originally uploaded by a.feng.
That's what I'm afraid that my so-far-so-good relationship with my bf is gonna be like. Something temporary, something until the summer comes to an end. He said that he wants us to be together and yada yada da, but how about if something goes wrong?

Basically to date I have been in 3 relationships. One each year since grade 9. (Okay 4 if u count John) But basically its fustrating always having to restart. I know that you cant expect to be together forever,but at least for a moment it is a nice thought, even if it dillusional.

I dont want to open myself to someone and then regret it later. I trust and let him know how I feel and he listens to me and talks to me, which I love. But what happens if that changes? Everything else will change.

I may be worrying too much at the moment. Even with us being complete opposites, ppl say its okay.Though it seems like it would cause more problems then anything else.

I just hope being complete opposites will be good for us both and act as balancing act. We are just under a month, so there's time to fix, to talk, and whatever else.

Meh time for food.


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