Sunday, August 28, 2005

Summer Sail Festival Haïfa 2005

Oooo this sounds like fun, but it seems like its somewhere in Europe....the picture that is.

Anyways Im at work and I have come across a couple of incidents. What you may ask. Well I have dropped a can of coke which started to spray everywhere, killed a couple of Pringles, had awomen who was whispering her order, so I could barely hear her, then another lady who is not explaining what product she wants having three employees confused. Ahhhh, ppl.

Anyways yeah, have to talk to sabine and emily and dylan for what to do our last week together.

Back to school soon.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Broken Once Again

industrial facade
Originally uploaded by jaybee_.
Opposites do attract....for a short period of time, before each self-destructs.

So me and Boyfriend #4 didnt work out. Eww I feel "A Sheila" coming on. So me and bf#4 broke up this morning. He was pissing me off and decided to switch his mind when I decided to ask him again, If he's actually ready for a relationship. He thought about, then said, "I dont think I'm ready for a relationship, but can we still be friends?" My reply, "Bye *insert name here*" and hung up.

You dont just switch your mind like that especially when I ask you in the beginning of it all, do you want to actually be with me? Or are you looking for some random summer fling. He should have answered me truthfully. Dick.

So now me and Kate's vowed to lay off of guys for a bit, and concentrate on having fun in our last year. I think its a fairly good plan. But right now I'm still a bit hurt. And this is what I was afraid of in the beginning. But luckly I'm not to badly affected by him as I was with bf#2.

Well anyways I ahve to go to work for 5pm today, so I got roughly two-ish hours b4 start. Tommorrow I start work at 7pm and go to 12am, we have Midnight Madness. And I think I'll hang out with the Whitbiers tommorroww see a movie, or maybe Katy and go to the mall. Not too sure.

Anyways lesson of the month:


Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Mid-summer night romance

Mid-summer night romance
Originally uploaded by a.feng.
That's what I'm afraid that my so-far-so-good relationship with my bf is gonna be like. Something temporary, something until the summer comes to an end. He said that he wants us to be together and yada yada da, but how about if something goes wrong?

Basically to date I have been in 3 relationships. One each year since grade 9. (Okay 4 if u count John) But basically its fustrating always having to restart. I know that you cant expect to be together forever,but at least for a moment it is a nice thought, even if it dillusional.

I dont want to open myself to someone and then regret it later. I trust and let him know how I feel and he listens to me and talks to me, which I love. But what happens if that changes? Everything else will change.

I may be worrying too much at the moment. Even with us being complete opposites, ppl say its okay.Though it seems like it would cause more problems then anything else.

I just hope being complete opposites will be good for us both and act as balancing act. We are just under a month, so there's time to fix, to talk, and whatever else.

Meh time for food.

Friday, August 19, 2005


Originally uploaded by morgpet.
Sometimes I wonder if opposites really do attract...I never thought that theory worked out to well, cuz one of them would always having something a lot worse about them then the other.

Well in my case for the first time, I have been attracted to my opposite. I'm gonna do a list, cuz its more fun like that.

He's white---I'm black
He like rap---I like rock
He excersises---I sleep
He saves money---I spend money
He's healthy---I dont think of it as an option
He's into war and documentaries---I love creativty in all forms
He likes simplicity---I love trying to do the impossible

That's all I could come up with but seriously, I enjoy his company so much. I really dont care that we like different poles of an idea. Its all about balance, and so far its working. So I'm smiles all around.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Hehehe so basically I have been busy as a mathematical fox. Once these performances are done I'll blog a lot more. I almost forgot about my hobbies, especially blogging. I guess most of my hobbies are werid. I'll one day go through them all, but right now I'm hungary and tired and I have to be up for 10am. ANyways pic here, is of one of my fav Asain movies---My Sassy Girl and now we have another winner to add to my list its called A Moment To Remember, this one also made me cry. Its seems like only the Asain dramas can make me cry, lol. But there so good, but of course everyone thinks they're stupid except my Half Asain Crew from school, lol. Anyways goodnite

Sunday, August 07, 2005


Originally uploaded by Phanix.
Damn this school and its random start times. It just totally ruined my morning plans to hang out with the bf. We're were to meet at 12 at the park, but instead school starts at 12. So I have to call him about 10am to call and let him know that we cant meet in the morning and must go to school. Which he'd totally opt against, lol. So yea, i dont know if he'll be up by 10am but I have to let him know before I go off to the 'Shawa.

I think I meeting Saby and monica at the OTC Tuesday morning, so I'll see if he wouldnt mind coming.

Oooo saturday night i won an ice crem eating challenge at the Taste Of Dnfourth, I was so proud and so was everyone else, it was awesome.

Anyways more later, night!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Love after Love v2

Love after Love v2
Originally uploaded by ibanda.
Wow, what an appropriate title. I like it! Its my new msn name! Love After Love v2 and the picture is very pretty as well.

So I'm at work again, with a stuck-up bitchy customer, gaaa. Must kill, but whatever.

I'll tell you a bit about my day yesturday. I went to the 'Shawa earlier then usual to met up with the bf. We went for lunch at Subway and then we went for a walk in some random park. Its such a beautiful park. There's a little creek and there was so many trees, but he decided he wanted to lie down right in front of the sun with out any shade. So we laid down in the bright sun, but it was fun and all. We talked and kissed, blah blah, lol.

I found it to be funny when he was like your eyelashes are tickling my ear and then later he was like vibration from your talking is tickling me. It was so not sure why but it was.

*Ooo and I lost my earring at school*

Anyways back to the story, so about a half hourlater, when we had to leave to get back to school, he wouldnt budge. He was all "noo, noo, nope." but it was cute when he was like "I dont want to go to school I want to stay here with you.! Can't u skip one day?"

***reason why I cant skip, at the school we are doing a musical. I am an ASM aka Assistant Stage Manager, so I can't really skip, I should and have to be there.

So yeah, I like him tons *happy sigh*

Heehee, and yeturday I started to spaz because I was thinkking of all the possible bad things to happen, and then I started to cry. Like I was fine before but then I think I overthought myself...and not on a good day either. I always forget that I extreml;y emotional the first couple of days into my period. So I woke up this morning and I was like wow I spazzed a lot yesturday, lol

Well anyways TODAY, I think everything will be just fine...if i dont countinue to be paranoid and all. Relationships now are a bit more different, now that I'm getting older and stuff. Ohmigod he's so amazing.

Ok im done

Ps. Quote Of the month is: Love After Love v2

Friday, August 05, 2005

Love Will Save The Day

Love Will Save The Day
Originally uploaded by Mandy No Good.
So I have tickets to go see David Usher, SLoan and Finger 11 in concert. ANd I fogot to call Em this mornining goddamn. Well whatever. I get to see david again for free, then again on labour day at beachfest and then maybe at a free taping next wednesday.

I really should get around to back to school shopping. But I have so much to pay off. SUmmer stock shirts, school, driving, and EF TOurs

So ooo by the way, new boyfriend! Yeah me! So whoever knoes knoews who it is. So far its been amazing, only been since this week Tuesday, but it feels like forever. He's so amazing.

But yea i have work in he morning....goodnight