Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Street Dancers and Peformers

Oh my god, Im doing wickedly amazing right now. Even after all thpse hard test and essays, and other shit, Ièm so chillaxed.

And guess what I have a new guy on my mind; not that I purposly did so, because of the other one-sided likingness. It was just becuase he randomly came into my life, really random.

Ohhh, but its not like Im dating him, I just like him so far. Hes kind and what not, and funny. I wish ppl could meet him, so we can all agree for no reason that he is cute.

Um so yeah school is awesome, I got the Student of the Month award, booyahkasha! But it is a struggle to keep the school paper running, and our cheap principle wont give funding to us, so now we need to find sponsership, damn bastard.

Well anyways Im in a awesome mood, and I have DDR and KAreoke REvolution, best games ever.

Ooo and I realized that I havent worked on new group gatherings, so Ièm going to restart doing them. and Ièm going to start drawing again along with doing portaraits and music videos. I have a lot to do...*sigh* but Im having fun. And I have another boy I like, yeah! Trying not to sulk over the other one at the same time, lol

Monday, November 14, 2005

Pure heart...

Pure heart
Originally uploaded by hira3.
hardly. lol. Anyways I got my G2 today and I dropped guitar...against my father wishes. I'll let him believe that I'm in it when I'm really not.

Also for the school paper we are into the second issue, which should be doing okay. I'm in the midst of trying to convince a classemate that their article is so good that they should use their real name. She says she doesnt want too, she's afraid of people her our going to bash her verbally. I really believe that the article is too good to go to waste to an imaginary person.

Also one of the teacher people in the school and one of the secutary ladies were commenting on how I lost weight. Which was something new and interesting.

I'm still trying to get in contact with the COn No Baka guys so I can be a staff member. Ahhh so tedious

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Weekend Adventure

Flying home from Tulsa
Originally uploaded by ams26.
Hahaha my weekend was good despite ths lightly disappointing news:

-Braided hair...BY MYSELF
-Saw Chicken Little
-Guy I liked text me....but about nothing important T_T

-Nice weather when woke up
-Boy Was indecisive
-Boy gave up and just said, "At the moment, no"
-My name was Mildred
-Finish Braids
-Helped girl find cell phone
-Watch Paranoid Agent
-Watch co-workers and managher duck tape other mangaers car
-Boy and I talked like nothing ever happened
-I was in a GREAT mood, lol

-Not finished yet
-Going to bank
-Still at work
-Talked to co-worker about Anime, best convers ever
-Boy not here
-Rained like shit
-Enjoying the weekend still

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

It Hurts

love hurts
Originally uploaded by Brandon2009.
Wheather it be pain, fondness, love, my back it all hurts. But it hurts the most when you really find out your not liked.
Repeatedly, I keep asking or get asked out by the same type of guys, the same bunch of losers. Ones who are unsure of themselves and their situation, ones who just want sex, others who could careless to say more then a couple of words...I have really bad taste in guys.
I think to myself once in a while well this guy should work out so and so, and in the end I'm sitting alone trying to figure what happened and what was wrong
The guy I finally told my feelings too, was a waste of time. It was meaningless. Why would it take a person more then 3 days to make up their mind if they like you or not.

Three DAYS....what the fuck

Even if they were considering all posiblities and yada yada, it doesnt take three fucking days to say yes or no. I'm just going to tell him tommorrow, "Sorry for what I said. Forget I said anything at all." I know its not possible for ppl to forget things, especially likee that, but you have to be good at pretending. And that's exactly what I'm gonna do. Just bull-shit my way through it...just like everything else I have to bullshit my way through.
I can't believe that I was so stupid, oh sorry, that I'M STILL SO STUPID, when it comes to guys. They all seem different but in the end they are the same. I swear to god this is the last time I cry over any guy. I swear to God.
I'm sick of having feelings for others, tired of crying over others,I dont want to do it anymore.
I was one of the main activist for Prom in my little circle of friends, but fuck that I'm not going. I'm either stay at home and sleep or go on a road trip, but I'm not going. Maybe its just my emotions just talking but I could really care less about Prom.

I dont know anymore, once again for the fourth or fifth time. I just dont want to care anymore. I dont want to be hurt again.