What is the point of having sex before your married? Especially if you dont even believe in the relationship that you are in, can we even call it a relationship? How about a sex fling? CAn we call you a whore?
No I'm not just talking about this happening with one partner, but some how, mariculosly, this has happened with about three and about going on to #4, less then two weeks after breaking up with another person.
What am I suppose to call you, a fucking saint, fuck no! Friend or not. I try to reason, pros and cons of what she already knows about. Yet, she sees sex as a ways to get rid of her horniness. What the holy flying fuck!
No sex is not a need at this age. It's somehting you want; get it fucking staright. If oyu are gonna tell me your going to have sex, say because you WANT it not because you NEED it. Your making a fucking excuse for your actions, when there is no readily available to you.
Horniness is a thing that subsides on its own anyways, there is no need to go find something to shove up your whole whether human or not because your horny. It subsides, deal with it. Everyone gets horny, but it is a choice of what you WANT, but not NEED, to get over your ranging hormones.
But I have to love her ending argument, but I get so horny and it doesnt subside, so since I want sex I need sex to get over my horniness, fuck no! Stupidist thing I have ever heard come out of her mouth, and mind you she says a lot of stupid shit.
Then I went on to ask how do you know that all your partners are clean, she's say first one said he was a virgin, other was ONLY with max 3-ish ppl, and anohter one shes not too sure. Yeah this was just straight out of their mouths. She hasnt know any of these guys for long and yet she feels that she can trust these strangers words, instead of at least having them tested first.
No becuase they use a condom and they said they were clean, yep, that sounds like the proper way of doing it. That means SHIT, they could lie.
The only time you can feel secure about having sex with a person is either having them tested, knowing and trusting them for an extended period of time, and/ or having a loving caring open relationship in which you know what has been done in the past.
Like, fuck yea she did any of that. so I told her bluntly, I really dont want to be going to a funeral of a friend at the age of 37 for a reason dealing with sex becuase i know I'll be like yea you know i told you so. I probably wont even show up in this case or even to a hospital or respond to a desparate call. I told her I'm not repeating this, its the last time I'll say it to you and I will ignore every attempt you have to talk to me anything on this topic.
And i end the conversation, but please note when I have just finished a serious ass talk with you, do not start playing friendly, calling me names for friendly fun, cuz I wont be in the mood for it, especially just to break the tension. Th tension will go away when ready, does not need any extra help.